0 Science and knowledge. Organization. Computer science. Information. Documentation. Librarianship. Institutions. Publications
1 Philosophy. Psychology
2 Religion. Theology
3 Social sciences
5 Mathematics. Natural sciences
6 Applied sciences. Medicine. Technology
7 Arts. Recreation. Sport
7.01/.09 Special auxiliary subdivision for the arts
7.01 Theory and philosophy of art. Principles of design, proportion, optical effect
7.02 Art technique. Craftsmanship
7.03 Artistic periods and phases. Schools, styles, influences
7.04 Subjects for artistic representation. Iconography. Iconology. Details and finishes. Decoration. Ornament
7.05 Applications of art (in industry, trade, the home, everyday life). Industrial, commercial design etc.
7.06 Various questions concerning art
7.07 Occupations and activities associated with the arts and entertainment
7.08 Characteristic features, forms, combinations etc. (in art, entertainment and sport)
7.09 Kind of performances and presentations
71 Physical planning. Regional, town and country planning. Landscapes, parks, gardens
72 Architecture
73 Plastic arts
74 Drawing. Design. Applied arts and crafts
75 Painting
76 Graphic art, printmaking. Graphics
77 Photography and similar processes
78 Music
79 Recreation. Entertainment. Games. Sport
8 Language. Linguistics. Literature
9 Geography. Biography. History